Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Life and Times of Abigail Waller Update #2

The first-draft scripts for Season One are complete.

As of now, it looks like the running time for the entire season is 42 minutes. Of course, it can expand or subtract due to rewrites and editing, but I'm satisfied with that length. Shaundra and another friend will be reading what I have this weekend and contributing their thoughts before I start rewrites on Monday. From there, I plan to bring together several actors and have a read-through of the season, to hear the words being spoken and make further adjustments. Then it's on to official casting and the all-important fundraising.

The Facebook page for the show will be activated soon (I created a promotional graphic last night in Photoshop that might get tweaked before adding it to the page. There's not a lot there, but I'm interested in getting it up to build buzz and allow fans to follow along as the show comes together - casting announcements, shooting dates, etc.), as well as Twitter and YouTube accounts. In the coming weeks, we'll also be rolling out the official web page for the show, with the idea of making it an interactive experience where fans can communicate with the show's creators as well as Abigail herself.

I'm enjoying the forward momentum, and I feel we have something here folks will like. There's several other things that need to fall into place first (equipment, crew, locations, etc.), but I'm very confident we'll pull them together and bring this project to fruition. I look forward to sharing new details as they arise.